Product Entitlement Customer Experience API

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Get started

This guide acts as a starting point for using the Product Entitlement Customer Experience API.

Structure of the API documents

Navigate through the API documentation using the left-hand menu. The tabs under the PAGES section give contextual information about how the API works. For detailed information about the API, see the tabs under the SPECIFICATION section.

Under the SPECIFICATION section, the documentation for each endpoint method can contain the following:

  • Code examples
  • Security
  • Query parameters
  • URI parameters
  • Headers
  • Responses

Before you begin

You must:

  • Have a basic understanding of the Product Entitlement Customer Experience API and the requirements for authentication. For a brief overview, read the Overview section.
  • Have your Arm Account email and password details you use for accessing the API.
  • Have a Postman account.

About this task

This task sets up your system to enable you to use the API with Postman.


  1. Follow the guidance in the Authentication topic to ensure you are permitted to make calls to the API.
  2. Import the Postman collection for the API by following the instructions in the Testing topic. Postman supports in-browser and native application use, but this guide assumes in-browser use.


You have imported the Postman collection for the API and are ready to begin using the API methods.

Next steps
